Now onto part 2 of the Anima Relic questline. The next quest is called Future Proof and you will need to equip your Reconditioned Anima Relic to begin it. As usually you will speak with Ardashir to start the quest. Ardashir starts to say how he is happy with how the Anima weapon turned out, when Gerolt basically tells him off saying the relic still has room to grow. Ardashir agrees but states that he will need ceruleum solution to continue the process. You are sent back to Idyllshire to speak with Blamprest at X:8, Y:6- literally right next to the aetheryte!
Blamprest states he will need 50 Singing Clusters to continue the process. Now there are 3 ways to get the clusters- 2 involve doing quest. Once speaking with Blamprest 2 sister- Angelet and Amphelice will join Blamprest and their quests will be unlocked.
The daily quest- Cut from a Different Cloth will be available from Angelet. She will give you a cloth that in your key items will first look white. You simply have to do the Duty Roulette: 50/60/70 dungeons. After completing the dungeon, you will hand her the cloth- which is now red and receive 1 Singing Cluster.
The weekly quest- Seeking Inspiration will be available from Amphelice. Here you need to do Duty Roulette: Leveling three times. Each time you complete the roulette dungeon- you will be given a book (which will appear in your key items). After getting all 3 books- you hand them to Amphelice and receive 18 Singing Clusters. Now the last way to get the Singing Cluster is to go to Hismena and purchase them with poetics for 40 each. After acquiring all 50 Singing Clusters, go speak with Blamprest and he will give you the ceruleum solution. From there go back to Ardashir and give him the solution and your Reconditioned Anima Weapon. You will then get your Sharpened Anima Weapon. Bonus you can talk with your Anima and choose dialog- however it does not affect the overall outcome. Congrats!
With your Sharpened Anima Weapon equipped- time to go onto the Born again Anima quest. Ardashir is of course your quest giver. He will tell you that you need to do some dungeons. These dungeons in order are:
- Sohm Al (Hard)
- The Great Gubal Library (Hard)
- The Lost City of Amdaor (Hard)
Now when doing these dungeons- you don't have to have the weapon equipped by it must be in your inventory or armoury chest. Also- you most complete the dungeon as the job you are working on your relic for- if your another job- it will not count.
Once you completed all 3 dungeons- Ardashir states that there is a way to increase the strength of the Anima. If you worked on ARR relic- you will remember and feel that this is VERY similar to the light farming! Ardashir tell you that you need to collect Aetheric Density for your relic (aka Light farming). He will also state you will need to get another soulstone for your Anima relic. Now lets first talk about the light farming (and yes, everyone calls it light farming in pf as well). Like in ARR- you will need to collect so much light- in this case 2000 points. Also like in ARR, you will not be told but point value but verbal values- e.g. Robust, Vague, etc. Now unlike ARR- you have 10 glyphs- representing 200 points per glyph. It will look like this:
To see where you stand, you use the Enhanced Anima Glass.
Now below is a chart from Console Game Wiki of the verbal values and where to get those points:
When going through, your Anima will tell you how it's feeling through the different stages (aka the higher values).
And when you complete you will get a notification:
Also- if for some reason you missed it- your Anima will also look like this:
Now at the same time- you have to complete a quest to get another soulstone. Once your on the light farming stage the quest Some Assembly Required will open up. To open this quest, go to the Processing Node (X:7, Y:11) across from Ardashir.
Now here, Ardashir will state that to get another Soul Cystal- it will need crystals- which he will get and Pneumite.
Now he will send you to get the Pneumite. You will need 15 Pneumite to complete the quest.
Now there are only 3 ways to get it. Purchase with poetics, purchase with grand company seals, or do Dragonskin Map.
Honestly I just purchase with poetics- because poetics are easy to acquire (and I honestly cap all the time- I'm even purchasing items for other relics weapons so I use them up!). Once you get the Pneumite- go back to the Processing Node. Ardashir will have the crystal needed to finish up.
After completing that quest- you will have a Soul Crystal.
Now you will have to just walk to the Verification Node- which is right next to the processing node. The Verification Node will let you know the probability of success. Ardashir wants to make the chance of failure as low as possible! After that step is done- talk with Gerolt and hand him your Sharpened Anima Weapon.
After completing- you will have your Completed Anima Weapon!
You now in the home stretch!
Next quest is Body and Soul and note- that you only have to do this quest once. Speak with Automaton (right behind Ardashir) to start this quest. A cutscene plays out where Ardashir tells you that he can't tell you about the Automaton yet but request you go get Rowena to see the fruits of Gerolt and his labor. He can't get her by linkpearl so you are off to Rowena. Go to Rowena and let her know what is going on. She will tell you that she will visit when she can. Now back to Ardashir, here the Automaton is a vessel for your Anima weapon. Once the the anima is place in the Automaton- you can summon your Anima as a minon!
However, though this quest is done- you have 2 more to go!
The next quest is Words of Wisdom, Ardashir asks that you go to Rowena to pick up a package for him. However once you get there and speak with Rowena- Ardashir shows up- to excited to wait!
Here it's from Master Matoya! She states that there is a way to increase the weapon just a little more. Back to Azys Lla to speak with Gerolt then Ardashir about how to increase it more.
Last quest- Best Friends Forever! Speak with Ardashir, and he will tell you to complete several primals. There are as follows:
- Bowl of Embers (Hard)
- Howling Eye (Hard)
- Navel (Hard)
- Thornmarch (Hard)
- Whorleater (Hard)
- Striking Tree (Hard)
- Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard)
- Thok ast Thok (Hard)
- Limitless Blue (Hard)
- Containment Bay S1T7
- Containment Bay P1T6
- Containment Bay Z1T9
The primals will be groups- so the first 3, then the next 4, then the next 2, and lastly- the last 3. After you completed all of the primals- speak with Ardashir again. He will say that he needs some Archaic Enchanted Ink. He's not sure where you can get it, but tells you to speak with friends to find out where..... which lucky you- you have me. For the cost of 500 measly poetics, just go over to Hismena and buy a bottle.
With this bottle go back to Ardashir! With this the final set is complete- You have your Lux Anima Weapon!
You also get to have some dialog with your Anima too.
And with that your DONE!!!
However, I bet your wondering- can I get replicates of the different weapons steps? Ask and you shall receive. Next to the Processing Node- another node call the Restoration Node.
Here you can purchase replicates of the different stages of relic you have completed!
I hope you enjoyed this guide!
Please note my reference to the follow website for pictures and information:
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