A Realm Reborn Relic- Zodiac portion part 3

It's now the home stretch. You have your Nexus weapon but you are 2 steps away from finishing this quest- YEA! There still a pain....nooooo. But not as big of a pain as the Trial of the Brave books and light farming. So okay, now let finish this. 

Equip you weapon and talk with Jalzahn to open the quest Wherefore Art Thou, Zodiac. Jalzahn is stump on what to do to upgrade your weapon further. With this you need to talk with Gerolt. Between the two of them they send you to basically talk with 4 people to get material to upgrade your relic. Here is the thing- this will unlock 4 repeatable quest. The reason it's repeatable is if you want to do anymore relics. Now I'm going to first tell you what you need item-wise for all the quest in the beginning and where to get them. Then I will tell you where to unlock each quest and what you need to do for each quest. The reason for this is you have to go to many different place for the items, but for the quest- as long as you have basically all the dungeons for ARR unlocked- you can literally stand in front of the NPC (except for 1).

So lets start out with the crafted items you need. Crafted items can be bought from the market board, if your a crafter- you can make it yourself, or if your not- from a friend that is a crafter. All items have to be high quality, however I am not putting HQ in front of every piece so just remember that they need to be high quality!

Carpenter recipe 3 star 50 Perfect Firewood
Blacksmith recipe 3 star 50 Perfect Pestle
 Armor recipe 3 star 50 Perfect Mortar
Goldsmith recipe 3 star 50 Furnace Ring
Leatherwork recipe 3 star Perfect Vellum
Weaver recipe 3 star Perfect Cloth
Alchemist recipe 3 star Perfect Pounce
Culinarian recipe 3 star Tailor-made Eel Pie

Next going to you Grand company to get 4 Bombard Core. Each one cost 20,000 grand company seals. 

There are 4 vendors- in 4 different zones to go to now. Each item is also 100,000 gil.

So in North Shroud (close to Gerolt and Jalzahn) go to the Tool Supplier and Mender at X:29, Y19. Here you get the Brass Kettle.

Next go to Upper La Noscea and go to the Junkmonger at X:26, Y:26. Here you get the Bronze Lake Crystal.

Next go to Southern Thanalan (the Forgotten Springs Aetheryte) and go to the Merchant & Mender at X:15, Y: 29. Here you get the Allagan Resin.

And lastly, go to Coerthas Central Highlands and go to the Merchant & Mender at X:13, Y:16 (Whitbrim Fort). Here you get the Furite Sand.

The last thing you need is to buy at Mor Dhona 4 Sacred Spring Water from Auriana. Each Water is 200 poetic tomes. 

Now that your in Mor Dhona- you can do 3 of the quest. Now this is going to go by quest.

Quest: A Ponze of Flesh.

So Papana is by our lovely lady who gave us the Trial of the Brave books. So first you need to give her a Bombard core, a Sacred Spring Water, and a Bronze Lake Crystal. She will tell you it's not good enough and you will have to do the following dungeons:
        Dzemael Darkhold
        Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)
        Halatali (Hard)

After doing this- you then will give her Furnace Ring and Perfect Firewood. Once all this is completed, she will if you a tome- which will go into your inventory.

Quest: Labor of Love

So Guiding Star is by Brangwine. He is first going to want you to give you the Allagan Resin. Then you are to do the following dungeons:
        Aurum Vale
        Haukke Manor (Hard)
        Lost City of Amdapor
        Sastasha (Hard)

After this, you will need to give him a perfect mortar and a perfect pestle. Then you will give him a Bombard core and a Sacred Spring Water. After this- he will give you the item you need for the relic- also in your inventory.

Quest: A Treasured Mother

Well you should know Brangwine location already. She does the Morbid Motivation quest. Just click on A Treasure Mother quest to start this one. For this, first delivered the Bombard Core, the Sacred Spring Water, and the Brass Kettle. Now this is the quest, where you will need to go to another location. 

Just take the Swiftperch aetheryte and the NPC you need will be real close. 

Ealdwine will tell you to go get "treasure" from the following dungeons:
        Amdapor Keep
        Pharos Sirius
        Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
        Stone Vigil (Hard)

I will say one thing- Stone Vigil Hard mode- I could not do this unsync by myself as a White Mage. My friend stated he was able to as a paladin. My issue was the second boss that decided he didn't want me to slowly kill him and hard enraged. I had to queue in for it. That's my FYI for you. I don't know how other jobs will do.

Anyway, once you complete the dungeons, Ealdwine will ask you to take the Tailor-made Eel pie and and the Perfect Cloth  to his mom. Give the items to Brangwine and she will give you the flawless alexandrite.

Quest: Method in His Malice

This quest is in Central Thanalan at X:23, Y:13 and speak with Adkin. He is first going to ask you to do the following dungeons:
        The Wanderer's Palace
        Copperbell Mines (Hard)
        Hullbreaker Isle
        The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard)

Afterward you will need to give him a perfect vellum and perfect pounce. Then give him a Bombard core, Sacred Spring Water, and Furite Sand. After this he gives you a Zodiac scroll.

Travel to North Shroud and speak with Gerolt. He will ask you to speak with Mutamix Bubblypots again in Central Thanalan. Speak with him and back to North Shroud to speak with Jalzahn. 

Now you have a Zodiac weapon- only one more step and it will be a Zodiac Zeta. Speak with Jalzahn to open Rise and Shine. Jalzahn will have you deliver a bottle of liquor to Gerolt, however Gerolt says there is still more to be done with the weapon. Go to Rowena and she will tell you what you need to do. Back to Gerolt, who is upset to part with the liquor but for the Zodiac he will, now you are going to Swiftperch to speak with Remon. He's right next to the Aetheryte.

After talking with him, he will tell you that he will help you, however for poetics. So now you are unlocking the Atma by.... mini light farming.....or Mahatma farming.... Same deal applies.... You have the levels....

You have the indicators.....

And the dungeons, raids, etc....

As you can see Syrcus Tower and World of Darkness- will max out a Mahatma. When you talk to Remon, you can't pick and choose- you have to go down the list, and need to do all 12.

You also will need your Zodiac glass. This can help you tell how fair you need to go.

Also once your complete- you will know!

Once you are done, go to Jalzahn for the last quest for the Zodiac Weapon- The Vital Title. After this quest you will have your Zodiac Zeta Weapon!


I will say- there is one last quest- Kettle to the Mettle. I did it- it does nothing other then give you a shiny kettle and comic cutscenes. You don't have to do it (at least I don't think you do). 

Also once you completed your quest, if you want to have ANY of your weapons- go to Drake right next to Gerolt and go down to the Zodiac Weapon Zeta Replication. Any relics you have completed will be there. Yet again- Congrats on all your hard work!

Update for grammar and to add a picture

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