Now is the Zodiac portion of the relic. After completing the Zenith weapon- walk over to our good friend Gerolt and start the quest Up in Arms. You will have to have your Zenith equipped to be able to start this quest.
Once you have started the quest, Gerolt will direct you across the way to a gentleman by the name of Jalzahn. Literally Jalzahn is right within Hyrstmill- so you don't have to go far.
Jalzahn knows how to improve you weapon even further! He is going to ask you to collect 12 atmas. How do you get these. Simple- have any zenith weapon equipped (if your paladin you have to have the weapon and the shield equipped) and farm fates!
Also you need to collect 12 different atma. These atma differ from zone to zone, so you will need to travel from zone to zone to get all the atma you need. Below are the zones and the atmas:
When you get an atma it will look like this:
Once you get all 12 atma- you will want to go back to North Shroud.
Then turn it into Jalzahn. Now if you are doing your second weapon- unlike with the Zenith weapon, you just have to click on the step like below:
And you will get your Atma weapon:
Now I want to pause real quick, when this is being written, patch 5.3 has not dropped yet. The day after 5.3, the Yo-Kai Watch cross over event will happen. This event took place a few years ago and was basically a fate grind. So if you need to do some atma farming and you want to get weapons for a BUNCH of jobs from back in the day- this would be the time to do. Literally the atmas will continue to drop as long as you have the Zenith weapon equipped. Don't believe me. I was literally starting to farm for atmas prior to the announcement. Stop and only completed enough for one (just so I had the nice picture above).
Afterward, you will want to take the quest: Trials of the Braves. Jalzahn send you to Rowena to see if you can get the book collection. When you go to Rowena- she will send you to G'jusana (who is also in Mor Dhona) about the collection. G'jusana indeed has the collection and will loan a book at a time for the low price of 100 poetics per book. You can only have one book at a time.
Now you click on her and just go to the Trials of the Braves Exchange to get a book. There are a total of 9 to do.
Now I can't do this any better than this blogger He did every book, all the locations of the mobs, where the fates are, the dungeons, and fates. Now since he did this Square Enix did nerf the content- so you don't need as many mobs and the fates now pop more often. Honestly back in the day, when this was current- this is what turned me off (waiting for the fates). I recently did this with my white mage weapon (so I can start to work on my black mage weapon) and it was not as bad as back in the day.
For the Book Intro go here
Now if some of you suffer from migraines like I do (which is why I am making this blog to put information on a background that I can tolerate more) this blog isn't to bad but I honestly only used it for the mob location and for fate location. So I had it on a different tab. Also note, like I said before they nerfed it a bit....
After completing the book (which even nerfed- can and is a pain), go back to Jalzahn and upgrade your weapon.
After this you will need to do the quest- Celestial Radiance. Talk with Jalzahn with your weapon equipped. He will then send you to talk with Mutamix Bubblypot in Central Thanalan.
Mutamix is located at X 23.7, Y:13.6 and will send you to talk to his new disciple- Hubairtin (literally- not even 5 feet away from him).
Hubairtin states that he can help but he needs Superior Enchanted Ink. This you first have to talk to Rowena. Once your done talking with Rowena, go to Auriana and get 3 bottles.
Once you hand over the 3 bottles to Hubairtin- he will hand you a Sphere Scroll. This will be the blueprint for you Novus weapon!
This is the conclusion of the first portion of the Zodiac guide.
Please note that I reference and use images from:,, and of course
Update to add pictures and correct grammar